Appointment & Cancellation Policy

There is a very significant demand for appointments at Health & Nutrition Concept and many people have to wait to see a therapist. We strive to see people as quickly as possible and one of the ways we minimise waiting times is to reduce the number of unattended appointments.

Moreover, the research evidence indicates that regular and consistent attendance of complementary therapies is associated with positive therapeutic outcomes. The following policies are designed with this in mind.


Arranging your appointments


Following your assessment, your therapist will discuss your therapeutic massage sessions or natural remedies plan with you. You will have a regular therapy appointment every week or every three weeks.




We value your time and do our best to start and finish sessions on time, unless there is an emergency. We would appreciate if you arrived a few minutes early for your appointment so that we could get started on time. Due to the possibility that another client may be waiting, we are unable to extend appointments if you arrive late.


Payment for your appointments


Payments for appointments are to be made immediately after the appointments. By making a booking you agree to provide complete, correct and true information including without limitation billing and payment information.


Cancellation policy


As you will be given a protected appointment time, it means your therapist cannot offer this appointment to anyone else. We would ask you to ensure that you keep your therapist informed of any upcoming holidays or other commitments you are aware of, so that your appointment time can be allocated appropriately.


If you cancel your appointment with more than 24 hours notice, there will be no charge. If you are regularly cancelling your allocated appointment, your therapist will discuss this with you and therapy may be placed on hold until you can commit to regular therapy sessions.

A cancellation made less than 24 hours prior to your appointment will be charged the deposit amount. This payment is non-refundable and non-transferable.

If you do not give us notice that you will not be attending your scheduled appointment or cancel within three hours of your scheduled appointment, you will be charged in full for the appointment. There are no exceptions to this. This is because without adequate notice, your therapist is unable to use the time allocated to your appointment.




Our clients are provided with a completely confidential service. We will not speak to anyone about any aspect of your care without having discussed and agreed this with your permission. The only time we would breach confidentiality is if we believed you to be at risk to yourself or others. In this circumstance, we would discuss our concerns and plan of action with you before speaking to a third party.




We are committed to proving a reliable, efficient, and effective service at all times. We will be asking you for regular feedback to ensure this is happening.