Nutritional Blood Analysis | € 220

Nutritional blood analysis enables us to see our blood exactly as it behaves inside our body, giving a clear picture of our health at a cellular level.

This simple nutritional blood test is one important part of helping you change your health for the better.

Nutritional Blood Analyses

What does the full nutritional blood analysis test include?

The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health. That is because of the stress and disease appearing in the blood years before they manifest in the body.

Nutritional blood analysis can detect the potential for disease very early on. Thus it is the ultimate preventative tool available.

Traditional lab testing is good and has its place, yet it does not always show early signs of a possible disease.

When you see your blood, you realize that there is incredible dynamic activity within you. For this reason, you can better understand what you need to address in your health without guessing or using unneeded supplements and therapies. Seeing is knowing.

How does the blood analysis work?

We carry out the Analysis by obtaining a drop of blood from a fingertip using a sterile lancet. Next, we place the blood on a microscope slide and immediately observe under the microscope. The microscope used is a powerful LIGHTFIELD type which allows an almost three-dimensional look at the blood. The microscope magnifies the blood up to 1000 times.

What can I see in my blood?

We are observing the blood for 15 minutes. The rapidity of the morphological changes shows your present health condition.

This blood analysis may uncover the real reasons why you are:

Accordingly to this insightful analysis, you can choose the right natural program and combination of phytotherapy remedies for you.

In order to book your Nutritional Blood Analysis with our professional Clinical Nutritionist therapists, call 086 231 7482 or book online HERE. We can’t wait to help!

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