Therapeutic Body Massage | 80€
Therapeutic full-body massage is a deeply relaxing treatment that aims to release some of the stress and tension that build up in your body over time.

What does the Therapeutic Massage include?
- First massage consultation and postural assessment – Free of Charge
- Will Include:
- Detailed analyses medical history
- Postural assessment
- Muscular assessment
- Creating personal massage treatment plant, depend on patient concern and requirements.
- Apply during massage treatment the BIOPTRON Medical Light – Free of Charge
- Apply organic certified massage oil hypoallergic
- Detailed Report based on massage procedures that was done - Free of Charge
- Patient can claim their massage session through their Insurance company or Form 12 (for PAYE) or Form 11 (for self-assessed) for tax back on your treatments Revenue - Health Expenses. (
Therapeutic body massage is a deeply relaxing treatment that aims to release some of the stress and tension that build up in your body over time. Holistic massage therapy is one of the oldest methods of healthcare in practice today. It involves the use of different manipulative techniques to move the body’s muscles and soft tissue. Massage therapy aims to improve blood circulation, increase the flow of nutrients, and eliminate waste.
Issues dealt with during full body therapeutic holistic massage:
Muscle tension occurs for many reasons, fatigue, poor posture working at a desk, after illness and unusual physical activity. Our treatments will boost circulation throughout your body and specifically to the muscles, relaxing the tense muscles and easing your fatigue leaving you will be revitalized afterwards. Our full-body massage acts as a gentle tonic for your whole body including your immune system.
Your immune system is vital to your overall health. A weakened immune system will leave you vulnerable to infection and other illnesses. Many of our treatments, including full body massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy massage will stimulate your immune system. Research shows how regular treatments in any of these improve healing time from illness and injury. Lymph drainage massage is particularly effective as it works directly on the lymphatic system, a core part of your immune system, while reflexology will stimulate all aspects of your immune system.
Digestive health is vital for overall health. If your digestive system is malfunctioning your nutrient absorption from your food is affected, thus reducing your access to energy, building blocks and repair materials. Your digestive tract is directly affected by your stress response. Digestion is only activated when you relax. In a stressed state, your energy supply is being diverted to muscles, eyes, brain; areas that are required in a reactive state. When you relax, energy is diverted to internal operations; digestion, reproduction and repair. Issues like constipation, IBS, heartburn etc. can respond very well to relaxation treatments like massage and reflexology. Essential oils are used to encourage relaxation and also to stimulate the normal functioning of your digestive tract through easing of muscle spasms and other mechanisms. Since our full-body massage relaxes both your body and mind, it can gently aid any digestive issues.
Anxiety can affect all aspects of your life, preventing sleep, affecting clear judgement and increasing stress which in turn all impact on health. Relaxation treatments help by interrupting the negative cycle and promoting a reduction in stress as well as giving time to repair, re-energise and re-focus. With this new state of calm and clarity, new solutions are often found, allowing you to move forward.
Never underestimate the power of relaxation. It is the key to health and happiness. It is a skill that many of us need to learn especially with the hectic lifestyles we now lead. We also need to give ourselves permission to relax. It is amazing how the effects of one relaxation treatment boost our whole body and mind boosting us to be overall more effective. Our full-body massage will bring you into a deep state of relaxation physically and mentally. We will adapt it to your needs on the day. Our full-body massage works particularly well when both your mind and body are tired, tense and sore.
We all know that stress causes a multitude of health issues. It drains your energy levels, leaves you holding your muscles tightly and leads to poor sleep patterns. Finding a way to relax helps you to reduce these symptoms. It is amazing how time out and an easing in tension, allows you to function better, cope with daily stress more effectively and enable you to put things in perspective. Our full-body therapeutic massage works particularly well when both your mind and body are under stress.
In order to book your Therapeutic Body Massage with our professional Clinical Masseur Therapist, call 086 231 7482 or book online HERE. We can’t wait to help!